Friday, October 3, 2008

Sample IRB Log

Your homework (due Monday) is to post an IRB (Independent Reading Book) log to your blog. You should read your IRB for one hour, and then post to your blog.  Here is a sample:

Title:  What is the What?
Author:  Dave Eggars
Page #:  27 (This is the page that you are on after reading for an hour)
Summary:  Valentino let a woman into his apartment, thinking that she needed help.  She ended up breaking into the apartment with a man, tying him up, and stealing his stuff.  
Rating (1-10, 10 being the highest):  9
Explanation:  So far, I really like the voice in this book.  It feels really simple and honest - not showy or over-the-top.  I already trust Valentino, even though his naivete about what's going on keeps me in the dark about what's happening a little.  

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